About a month ago, we got our COSI Members magazine, and we saw that Iron Man was going to be at COSI for a meet and greet. Lex immediately declared that he wanted to go. I wrote the date on the calendar and promised to take him. Then, he proceeded to ask me when we were going to see Iron Man every day for a month.
Then, the day finally arrived.
Connor decided that he didn't want to go with us, so he stayed at home with Kevin for a special day with Daddy. That meant that Lex's Iron Man day was going to be a special day with Mommy.
I knew it was going to be crowded, so we planned to be at COSI right when it opened at 10:00 AM. We left the house at 9:30, in plenty of time to get there at opening. Except we ran into traffic when trying to park in the COSI lot. We waited in traffic for 45 minutes to park the car. Finally, we got into COSI and discovered that the Member line to check in and get tickets to see Iron Man was long.
No, not long. It was longer than long. That line was epic.
I explained the situation to Lex after we found the end of the line and elected to get into it. He decided that he wanted to wait, because he really really wanted to meet Iron Man. I mean, he had already been waiting for a month, I suppose. So, we waited in line for one hour and 15 minutes. To get tickets. Our time to see Iron Man wasn't going to be for hours, so we also got tickets to Adventure and to see a 3-D movie on the Extreme Screen about meerkats.
To make a long story short: we spent an enjoyable afternoon at COSI after that. Lex sovled the puzzle in Adventure and unlocked the Observatory to find the Secret of Knowledge. And meerkats are really stinking cute.
Then, it was our appointed time to go see Iron Man. We headed his way, and found another line. We waited 15 minutes to get into the same room as Iron Man, where we waited another 15 minutes to get up to the front of the line to meet him.
In all this waiting, in the car, in the lines, Lex never complained. He had his Iron Man action figure to play with, and he had my undivided attention. That kid talked my ear off. He did mention that he wished Connor and Daddy had come with us a few times, but in the end, I think he was glad that he had me all to himself.
When we met Iron Man, Lex kept pushing on his suit, on the button on his chest. You see, his action figure has a button that makes him talk right on his chest. I think Lex was trying to make Iron Man talk to him. And Iron Man did. He said, "Yes, buddy, I'm real. I'm the real Iron Man." Lex was very pleased to hear that, I'm sure.
Lex had a great day, and even though I had sore arms the next day from holding my 37 lb boy in my arms while standing in line for hours, I had a great day, too. Lex met Iron Man. I kept my promise. Mission Accomplished.
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