Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Homeschool Field Day

Our local homeschool group organized a field day for the elementary-aged homeschoolers, with the high-school aged homeschoolers helping to run the events.  It was very well done, and Connor and Lex had a blast!


They played a little horseshoes to start.  Turns out that the kids thought it was pretty fun.  I haven't played horseshoes since I was a little kid.


Kevin was pretty sun smart.  He didn't get sun burnt at all with his nice hat.  I, on the other hand, got a little sun burned on my shoulders, even though I put on sunscreen.  Boo.


This next photo is evidence of some sort of Nana-abuse.


I think Grandpa was pulling her hair.  Just for the photo, mind you.  Silly Grandpa.


During the bubble part, my kids blew all their bubbles as quickly as possible, and then they turned their bubble wands into bubble swords and commenced bubble-sword-fighting.  Because boys.

I think their favorite part of the day was the epic water balloon battle at the end.


I took this photo just as they both hit each other with water balloons.


Here is a pile of boys fighting for the last few water balloons in the cooler.


Because boys.

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