Saturday, March 16, 2019

St. Patrick's Day 2019

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Washington, D.C. trip recap to bring you this breaking St. Patrick's Day post.

Kevin ran in the St. Patrick's Day 5K race in Atlanta. Basically the police have to shut down a bunch of roads in Midtown for the parade, so they run a 5K race beforehand.  It's two road closures for the price of one.

St. Patrick’s Day 5K
Before the Race

The Beginning

St. Patrick’s Day 5K
After the Race

After the race, we had a little bit of time to kill before the beginning of the parade, so we walked around a bit and had an early lunch.  The boys and I had already had a late breakfast while we were waiting for Kevin to finish his race.  Basically, the kids went to Midtown and ate a bunch of food at a bunch of restaurants.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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