Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Amarillo Zoo

On Monday, I took the kids the kids to the zoo.  We have been once before, so we knew it was tiny.   We walked around the whole thing really slowly and stayed for almost an hour!

Amarillo Zoo

We saw a kangaroo.  He had a punching bag in his enclosure, but he wasn't playing with it.  The boys waited around for a while to see if he would punch it or kick it, but he was too busy eating the grass.

Amarillo Zoo

There were tigers.

Amarillo Zoo

Our favorite!  The Ring Tailed Lemurs!

Amarillo Zoo

You know you are at a small town Texas zoo when there are longhorns.

Amarillo Zoo

Amarillo Zoo


Amarillo Zoo

The bear was sleeping right next to the glass.

Amarillo Zoo

All the lions were sleeping, too.

These bobcats were being funny.

Amarillo Zoo

Lemur Loving Lex!

Amarillo Zoo

Huge snakes!

Amarillo Zoo

Tiny green lizard!
Connor and Lex figured that this was the Geico Gecko.

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