Can anyone help me identify this flowering plant? Kevin and I have lived in our house now for almost two whole years, including two summers...and we have just now spotted this flower in our garden for the first time. Anyone got any ideas about what it is? I think it is really neat looking, but I am afraid that it might just be a really pretty weed...and I don't know any better. *blushing*
As of today, the baby is *officially* considered to be full term. That means that I can no longer go into preterm labor or have a preemie. *Big sigh of relief* All we have to do now is wait, and hopefully not too much longer. My next doctor's visit is tomorrow afternoon, and hopefully she will be able to give me some idea as to how much longer the wait will be. :)
I'm really glad that I'm not working anymore, as my sleep patterns have really changed lately. Even though I go to bed at night when Kevin does, I haven't been sleeping well until the morning. In fact, I get the most rest between about 6:00 AM and 11:30 AM. I chalk it up to being 9 months pregnant. I just hope that the baby's sleep patterns aren't the same when he is born, although I know he won't be sleeping the way I want him to at first anyhow.
In other news, I have big shopping plans tomorrow before my doctor's appointment. I'm heading to Easton, to procure all the necessary supplies for Sara's bachelorette party, which we are throwing Saturday night (so hopefully the baby will wait until just after that!). And, in case you need to know, Kohl's is having a buy one, get one free sale on all their bath towels, and Kevin and I need to update and replace some of our older ones, so I'll be stopping by there, as well. I've also decided to check out the picture books at Once Upon a Child, as I don't think it is ever too early to start reading to the baby, and I don't want to pay full price for books, but it would be nice to own some and not have to go to the library for *every* book.
One other highlight that I have been remiss in mentioning: my little brother-in-law, Kris, graduated from high school on Monday night!! We weren't able to attend, as it was a Monday night ceremony in the Cleveland area, Kevin was sick, and there were a limited number of tickets available for the graduation, but I want to say CONGRATULATIONS nonetheless. He is coming to visit on Sunday to celebrate, and there is going to be a graduation party for him later on in the summer, after the baby is born.
And, since I have covered just about everything in this blog except the price of eggs in China, I feel it only appropriate to leave you with this little bit of wisdom that my loving mother used to shout at me all the time when I was much younger:
"You had better do that somewhere else, missy, that stove is not a counter top!"
And I must say, I finally understand her point. Maybe I am ready to be a mother. :)
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