Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fantasy Football

It's time again for Fantasy Football - and I'm happy to say that I'm 1-0 so far this year, and ranked in 2nd place. It's only been one week, though, so I don't know how good an indicator that 2nd place is...

In other news, I've been back at work for a week now. I'm working from the office in the morning and from home in the afternoons. It's nice not to have to be away from Connor all day long. Hopefully I'll be able to stay home full time sometime soon.

Also, my SUV has been in the shop for a full 4 (!) weeks as of tomorrow. The dealership spent two weeks dragging their feet, not wanting to check the catalytic converter, because if it was bad, they were going to have to fix it at their own expense. So, they fixed $600 worth of other stuff before we finally got them to check the thing that we took it to them for. Then, it took a week to get the catalytic converter parts. Now, as they were putting it all back together again, they broke the muffler, so they are going to give me a new one of those. Since they have had my car for so long now, they gave us a pretty new red Mustang to drive. I really like it. I really wanted one when I was about 16, but now I don't think I'll buy one, because Connor's car seat just barely fits into the backseat. In fact, when he is behind the passenger seat, that seat has to be pushed up too close to the airbag to really be comfortable.

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