Friday, June 20, 2008

A Healthy Family

All I want is a healthy family. About two weeks ago, I casually wished to Kevin that Connor would stay healthy until after his birthday. I didn't want to have to take him to see the doctor until his one year check-up.

Well, it turns out that I should have also wished for the rest of the family to stay healthy, too. I have a pretty nasty case of strep throat that I think Kevin shared with me. I have been feeling pretty sick for the past two days or so, but I think I'm on the upswing. The doctor gave me some medicine yesterday, so I'm not contagious anymore, and I should start feeling better soon. (A happy side note: Babies don't tend to catch strep throat, so Connor should be fine.)

On another note, my breasts still hurt. It's been almost a week, and they are still full full full of milk milk milk. They are getting a tiny bit smaller, but it is certainly taking much longer than I had anticipated.

Megan, thank you for the tip about the frozen bag of peas. I haven't tried it yet, because I've been feverish from the strep, and shivering under a pile of blankets since you mentioned it, and putting anything cold anywhere near me just doesn't seem like a good idea.

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