If you have been to our house in the past few months, you probably saw the Rubik's Cube sitting on the mantle in our living room. Maybe you even tried to solve it for a moment or two. Well, last night, I solved it!
I used the layer method, where you start by solving the white face first. If you do that properly, then the first row all the way around the cube is also solved. Then, you turn the cube so that the white face is the bottom, the red is the front and the yellow is the top. Using a few algorithms, you solve the middle row all the way around the cube, and then the top!
After I solved the white face for the first time last night, I ended up having to solve it four more times because I messed up during the next steps. Each time it was easier for me to do the white side, mostly because I *knew* that I knew how to do it, having done it before.
As soon as I had solved the cube and showed Kevin and let him take my picture, I had the urge to scramble it up and do it again. (I didn't, though, as it was late and time for bed.) I started playing with it last night after Connor went to bed (shortly after 8:00), and I had solved it by about 10:00 PM.
After I master this method, I want to learn another way to solve it as well.
That's quite impressive.
you're a GEEEEENIUS! Way to go!
...the ultimate rubik's cube fighting champion of the universe!
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