Friday, January 23, 2009

Connor & The Car Wash

Connor HATED going through the car wash. He would cry and I would have to get him out of his car seat and hold him. He was usually so terrified that he would shake the whole time.

Since the last time we went through the car wash, he has been asking whether or not we were going to give the car a "bath" each and every time we would buckle him in. I thought that he was making sure that we were NOT going to the car wash, but it turns out that he was asking us TO GO to the car wash.

Since yesterday was close to 40 degrees, it was time to wash the salt of the car. So, when Connor asked about the car getting a bath, I told him that it was time, and we set off for the car wash. I was pretty sure that he would hate it - but it turns out that he really enjoyed it! I still held him in my lap, but he didn't cry or shake at all this time. I think he finally figured out what was going on - the car was getting a bath, and baths are fun, right?

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey... said...

You're a big brave boy now Connor!!!