Today Connor is officially 20 months old.
He is talking bunches and bunches now, repeating just about any word we say that he likes, although he won't do it on command.
His favorite books are still Caps for Sale and Goodnight Moon.
He is getting really good at coloring. I think he is right handed. He holds his crayons in his right hand the way I hold a pen or pencil. He still uses his left hand to color a little bit, but he just holds the crayon in his fist in that hand.
He can drink from a straw!! This makes dining out a bit easier for me. No more sippy cups of milk to tote around town.
He can do pat-a-cake, the itsy bitsy spider and skinna marink a dink a dink (how do you spell that?). But, not on command or for an audience. Little stinker.
1 comment:
the song is Skinna marinky dinky dink, skinna marinky doo ... etc.
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