Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Connor's New (Half) Trick

This weekend, Connor mastered the use of the doorknob.

He can now open just about any door, as long as he can push the door in.

If he has to pull on the door to open it, he is still at a loss.

The best part is that he actually did it for the first time while I was showering at my in laws' house this weekend, and he wanted to come into the bathroom to find me. The next thing I knew, he was standing in the bathroom, holding the shower curtain wide open. Fortunately, Kevin was nearby and able to rescue me!

From now on, I'm locking the bathroom door when there is company around.

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey... said...

tee hee, and since I know the bathroom is VERY close to the living room, that was a close call:)