Friday, February 20, 2009


Thank heavens for Ryan Seacrest's stupid radio talk show!

I've seen the promos for Fox's new show, Dollhouse, and I noted that Eliza Dushku was in it and that it looked kind of interesting. But it wasn't until today, when Ryan Seacrest was interviewing Eliza Dushku that I realized how much I need to watch the first episode tonight.

First of all, this is a Joss Whedon show, people! All of his shows are great! I love Buffy and Angel, and Firefly was great, too.

Next, Eliza Dushku isn't the only actress in this show that I like. Amy Acker (who was Fred in Angel) is in it, too!

So, tonight at 9:00, I'll be parked in front of the tv.

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