Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm Glad we Taught Connor Sign Language

When we were in the car driving up to the Cleveland area on Wednesday, Connor did something really impressive from the back seat and made me comment to Kevin, "I'm so glad that we taught Connor sign language."

I can't remember exactly what it was that he said, but he had put together some words and signs in a new way, and I remember thinking how complex it was. (Darn me for forgetting what it was already!)

Anyway, I've long believed that babies who learn to sign learn to speak more quickly and have a larger vocabulary. I read an article this morning that said that this even applies to toddlers who gesture and point more. You can read the article for yourself here.

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey... said...

Hats off to you and Connor!!! We never did the sign language route, but I always made sure to use proper grammar in front of them, and minimized the "baby talk" (on my end) and speak fairly normally with them--and both of them were very early speakers from the beginning, using fairly complex sentences and vocabulary from early on. I'm a firm believer that if you speak correctly, writing correctly will come naturally! (Let's just say even at the age of two both girls know when to use "good" vs. "well," most of the time, which is more than most adults can do:)