Friday, March 6, 2009

And so it begins...

I have just encountered our first medical billing/insurance snafu with this pregnancy.

Today in the mail, I received a bill for $1,230 for the lab work that was done at my first prenatal visit.

Hopefully there is something I can do about it. I've already left a voice mail with my ob's office manager, but the billing department for the lab isn't open on Fridays. I have to wait until Monday to call them.

The bill states that assistance is available for those who have trouble paying their bills, if they meet federal poverty guidelines. I'm sure that we don't meet those guidelines. I'm also sure that I'm not excited about being billed $1,230 for just the first set of tests, either.


Our Blessed Journey... said...

Hey, that's right up there with the guy who was approved on his credit card for an $83 bil. charge for a tank of gas! I guess it pays to pay attention to the bills!

Emily said...

I'm sure it's a probably didn't get submitted to your insurance company, so they will just rebill it. I wouldn't worry, yet.