We had our first ultrasound today, and we are expecting a new baby on October 8, 2009!!
We heard its heartbeat, and everything looks great with the baby.
Our ultrasound also revealed that we very easily could be having twins, as I ovulated from both ovaries. As it is, however, we are only having one little bundle of joy.
Additionally, since I ovulated twice, I have two progesterone cysts keeping this baby alive. They are both on the larger side, so my doctor warned me that when they break down in a few weeks when the placenta becomes the baby's main life support, that I will probably feel it, meaning that I'll probably be in some pain. She said that I need to take it easy for the next few weeks in order to minimize any potential problems on that front. I'm not officially on bed rest, though, and everything is still in the normal and safe range, so it shouldn't be anything to worry about. I didn't even know progesterone cysts existed until this morning.
wow, I've never heard of that, and I thought I knew it all by now--our prayers for a safe, healthy and easy pregnancy! Can't wait to meet her (or him:)
or them:)
A big cyber CONGRATS!
So have you given any thought about changing your blog title? (Just because Connor isn't quite a baby anymore (defined by age not by you) and now there is a second baby on the way and what if it's not a boy.)
I've thought about changing the title to my blog, but I haven't decided what I want to do with it yet.
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