Friday, March 13, 2009

Not My Favorite Plan

My parents came over to visit last night. They told us that our friends, Mr. and Mrs. C, are expecting a baby. This is good news.

Then came the news that I can't wrap my head around. (And, of course, it's all second-hand news.)

I asked my mom how far along Mrs. C was, and when the baby was due. Apparently, Mrs. C is very irregular, and she has received a few due dates, and they range apart by two months. TWO MONTHS!

I asked if she had had an ultrasound, and my mom said yes. I commented that the doctor's ultrasound should have given them a good due date, but then I found out that she hasn't been to see a doctor yet. At all. They don't have health insurance, but a woman who goes to our church has one of those 3D-4D Ultrasound start-up companies, so she has done an ultrasound for her. Obviously, she's not a doctor, so the due date she came up with can't be counted on to be accurate.

Here's the real kicker. Since they don't have health insurance, she is planning to have the baby the old fashioned way. The free way. The way you have a baby by yourself, at home. AT HOME. And she is often much alone at home, as her husband runs his own company and they live in the country. Not the close kind of country where Kevin and I live. The REAL country, about 40 minutes from the closest hospital. And, she doesn't even really know when the baby should be arriving. OMG!

I think that she is entitled to have her baby at home if that's what they think is best for their family. I really hope that it goes well for her. I just can't imagine doing it that way myself. I'd be terrified.

Connor was born in a hospital, and he was delivered by my doctor. My next baby will be born in the same hospital, and hopefully by the same doctor. That plan makes me feel more comfortable.


Meg said...

Hmmm...if I were without insurance, I would at least go to a clinic to get prenatal care! Maybe not the *best* plan, but it's *A* plan. Maybe she's planning to have a midwife assist and that info just didn't get passed on to your mom? I hope...

Pam said...

Will this be her first baby?

Julie said...

Yes, it is her first.