Our house is in a sorry state. But, it should be improving soon. Tomorrow, even.
First, only 1 of our 3 bathrooms is currently stocked with toilet paper. This is not a sign of the economic woes plaguing our nation, but rather a sign of my own (and Kevin's) laziness. Connor cannot be held responsible, since he can't drive yet. Fortunately, this is easy to remedy with a single trip to the store, and will be resolved after Connor wakes up from his nap.
Next, I am still unpacking from our trip. Trips always mean a ton of laundry...and Kevin called this morning to tell me that I had to get as much laundry done today as possible, as he will be disconnecting the washer and dryer tonight in advance of the water heater repair man coming tomorrow. (Our hot water heater has a very slow leak. Drip. Drip.)
Also coming to the house tomorrow are the garage door repair man and the furnace guy. I have gotten stuck in the garage the past two mornings because the door isn't working properly. I was a bit late to work this morning because it took me 20 minutes to get the durn thing open. The furnace guy is coming to install a whole house humidifier on our system.
Do you think I can get any one of these three repair men to finish up some of the projects that Kevin has started? For instance, the ceiling fan he installed in the loft is up and looks lovely, but the light fixture isn't up yet because he is going to take the motor housing apart and install a remote control assembly.
We still don't have the handle back on our front storm door (which broke at Christmas). We finally got the parts delivered right before we left for our vacation, and they have been sitting on the kitchen counter in a box ever since.
And finally, even though I prayed that little elves would come to the house and magically clean the crayon off the sofa while we were gone (we'll call that Plan A), it was unfortunately still there when we came back. So now I'm on to Plan B on that front.
1 comment:
I know I say it all the time, but you are just too funny! You crack me up!
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