Here is the baby, and everything still looks fine with the pregnancy. I had this ultrasound done last Thursday, because I was in a car accident on Wednesday.
I've already been yelled at once for not calling everyone that I know while I was laying in the hospital bed Wednesday morning, so I'm sorry if you are just now finding out. (And Pam, you will be the first person I call next time, after 911, my husband and my mom. Forgive me yet?)
The main thing is that I still have some lower back pain. The ultrasound revealed that my ovarian cysts are still present, and one is still the size of a golf ball. The other is just a little bit smaller. I assume that's why I had immediate lower back pain when I got rear ended...but I'm not a doctor.
I was driving to work on Wednesday morning, when I was stuck in traffic on 1-70 near downtown. Traffic was slow, and I was stopped. Then I heard a loud bang and immediately felt a ton of pain in my lower back. I looked around, but I didn't seem to have hit anything. Then, I checked my rear view mirror and realized that someone had hit me. It seemed to take forever for my mind to catch up to the idea that I had been in a car accident, but once it had, I was a little annoyed that it took me so long to figure it out, because it was so obvious.
My car performed very well in the accident. If I hadn't had any lower back pain and been pregnant, I probably would have just walked away. As it was, I was taken to the hospital in the ambulance.
For the record, I wear a pediatric sized neck brace. The first one that the EMT put on me was too big. He thought that was funny.
Anyway, my car is getting a new rear bumper and is in the shop. I've got a Mitsubishi Gallant for a rental. It's not a bad little car.
We had to buy Connor a new car seat. We are just going to include it as part of the property damage claim. I knew that if a car seat had been involved in an accident, that it needed to be replaced. I wasn't sure if that still applied if the seat was empty at the time of the accident. We checked with the fire department, and it does still apply. The force of the impact is enough to damage the seat, whether or not the child is in it.
The fire department also asked that we absolutely destroy the old seat, so that there is no chance that it is scavenged and used for another child. My dad has volunteered to take care of this, using his circular saw. He actually sounded excited about it.
Oh my goodness. I'm glad you and the little one are ok! Take care!
Yes, you are forgiven. Love you guys!
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