It's not as hard to believe as I thought it would be, because he's been acting very much like a two year old lately.
The most common thing he says is "I do it" or "Connor do it." Sometimes, he likes to spice things up with a "Daddy do it" or a "Mommy do it." He likes to be in charge.
He is totally OBSESSED with lawn mowers. We got a lawn mower catalog and DVD in the mail yesterday. It's basically a commercial for electric lawn mowers. He was watching it this morning during breakfast.
He no longer sleeps in a crib. He sleeps in his big bed, and he is always so happy when he wakes up and can get out of bed and come find us. He *always* sleeps with three bunnies and one kitty. Before he falls asleep, he kisses each one and says, "Night night bunny." Then he says, "Night night mommy."
His two favorite books right now are a Disney Cars story book based on the movie (I think - I've never actually seen the movie) and Go, Dog. Go! We read both of those books multiple times each day. He will sit and read to himself, and he turns the pages and babbles on. Sometimes, he gets the words to Go, Dog. Go! right. It's amazing.
He's also starting to really dig dinosaurs. I'm excited for the dinosaur fetish period of his childhood. Dinosaurs are so much cooler than lawn mowers, and I can get into that with him.
We're having bed time issues at our house. Any advice about transitioning to a big kid bed??
Connor made it really easy for us. We told him that he was going to be sleeping in his new bed soon, and he seemed to like that idea.
We used to lay with him on the twin bed in the nursery, and then move him to the crib once he was 90% asleep. Then, we started laying with him in the new room and new bed, and we would still move him to his crib when he was 90% asleep.
Then I let him stay in the big bed for his naps for about a week. After that, we just stopped moving him back to his crib.
We do the same bedtime routine each night. He gets changed, washed up, etc. Then, we lay down together and read some books. Sometimes there is an argument about how many books are enough. But finally, we make him lay down and lay with him. He's usually 90% asleep after 10 minutes or less of laying down.
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