Lil' Angles photography comes to Connor's daycare twice a year and dresses the kids up in costumes and then takes their photos.
They have come three times since Connor has been going there.
The first time, I could tell that he was terrified of the photographer. He looked so scared in every picture they showed me...and there was a ton! I couldn't believe that they would keep dressing him up in outfit after outfit, even though he was clearly in distress. He was so horrified in all of the photos that I couldn't believe that they would show them to me, much less ask me to pay for them.
Needless to say, we didn't buy any of those. And, we asked that he not be photographed the second time that the photographer came to his school.
This time, though, I told them that since he was a little older, that they could try it, IF he wanted to, and IF someone familiar stayed with him and the photographer the whole time. Many of the other kids dressed up in about six outfits. He decided to do one. Apparently, he picked out the cowboy get-up, decided to do that one, and then no more. He wasn't interested in the hat, either. Which is fine with me.
And look how cute he is when no one is forcing him to do things that he doesn't want to do! I wouldn't want some stranger to strip me naked and put me in a costume and then photograph me over and over either.
What a handsome little cowboy!
This picture turned out great. But I do have to wonder why they would keep changing a kid if he screamed with the first outfit. I would have stoped there at one.
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