I write a blog (which you already know). A guy (Mark Burleson) finds and reads my blog and leaves assorted comments for me. This is normal blogging activity.
Here's where the weirdness begins.
We go to the zoo and bump into someone I've never met in person before, but who knows us because he is the aforementioned Mark Burleson. Introductions are made and it is a very brief meeting. I mentioned the chance zoo encounter with Mark on my blog. He responds with a comment and a link to his pictures from the zoo. With his pictures from the zoo are some pictures of the house he was born in. Pictures of this house.

Do you know this house? I do. That's the picture that my professional photographer took of my parents' house on my wedding day.
I checked the county auditor's records, and a Burleson family did own my parents' house in the past.
Seriously. I couldn't make this stuff up.
Now, what do you think? Could it be coincidence?
No. It's too weird. Someone with enough motivation could easily piece together enough info to get your maiden name, track down your parents' house through property records and then find the previous owners' name...Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Susie Q. Burleson. I would consider changing your blog address and/or taking it private, at least for a while.
I have to agree with Meg. She sent me an email to read the blog this morning. It is way too coincidental. I am not a paranoid person but really that is just not right. UT even suggested you take it to the police. We all agree you may have a serious stalker here. And "Mark" if you are reading this, really get your own life. What did Kevin think of all of this?
Also, was this guy born in 1981 or later? The Burlesons bought the house in 81...and then sold it in 88.
See what I mean? The details are too easy to come by.
Okay, after looking at his Twitter page, it looks a *little* more feasible that it's a coincidence, but I'm still uneasy about it...
Kevin thinks that we need to file for a restraining order. I'm at a loss...stunned, I suppose.
I mean, who would spend that kind of energy? And why us? Are we really that interesting?
UT and I agree with Kevin. Julie
just because you wouldn't think of stalking someone or whatever this guy is doing doesn't mean it can't happen to you. It's just way too coincidental for comfort. Meg said this guys lives in Oklahoma or something. And he just happens to be home in Columbus and at the Zoo when you are there, and then just happens to run into you. It just doesn't sit right with me. And while I agree you guys aren't all the interesting...just kidding.
Listen to Kev on this one Julie.
I know this will be hard to do but try to look at the situation from a different perspective. Try to imagine things 5 years down the road. If you do nothing and this guy is creepy enough to do something, can you live with the consequences? I would talk to the police about a restraining order. The worst case scenario is that this could all be one amazing coincidence and you now have someone who hates you guys because you protected your family. I'd act quickly.
Julie, take it from someone who was literally stalked for a YEAR--he followed me everywhere and threatened me--take this very seriously!
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