Here is my review: they are expensive and stinky.
Connor is wearing size 4 diapers. We got 30 size 4 Seventh Generation diapers for $10.99. (That's about 37 cents per diaper.) We usually get a box of 82 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (size 4) for about $17.99. (That's roughly 22 cents a diaper.)
The diapers smell dirty, even when Connor hasn't done anything in them. I find myself checking his bottom all the time because I think he is dirty.
I do like the clean look of the diapers, though. If I was going to take diaper only photos (which he is getting a little old for), I would go with these, because they don't have any print on them at all.
I don't mind using these diapers, but I prefer the Pampers Baby Dry, and will probably just continue to buy those.
Oh, and the packaging on the Seventh Generation diapers suggests scooping the dirty diaper contents into the toilet and flushing before disposing of the diaper in order to be more earth friendly. If you are going to go that far, why not just go with cloth diapers at that point?
as "Green" and environmentally conscientious as we try to be, we never tried those, nor did we go the cloth route (no service in our area, and I had NO desire to wash all of that (pros and cons to that anyway, from an environmental perspective)---but I did make all of my own baby food, including grinding the grains, so that must count for some of the landfill we took up:)
I actually like the 7th Gen diapers when we use disposables (which is more and more often). My favorite "friendlier" dipes are the Whole Foods 365 brand...sadly, no WF near us.
And all diaper packaging tells you to scoop. It's technically the rule, as human waste is toxic in a landfill. I didn't know this until we started looking at cloth and I was educated about diapers in general.
I'm thinking about ending my cloth dipe use, though. :(
At 37 cents a diaper we would go broke with the twins. I was excited when I found a Pampers size 3s 144 count for $20 which makes it around 14 cents a diaper.
We considered cloth diapers at first. There is a service in town (I wouldn't want to do it without a service). But we decided against it. It was more for convience.
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