Monday, July 6, 2009

We Went to the Zoo! (Cincinnati Edition)

On Sunday, we went to the Cincinnati Zoo for a post-Fourth of July outing. I didn't know before we went, but the Columbus Zoo membership is good for 50% off of the admission price for the Cincinnati Zoo. Just FYI.

I don't think that we saw the entire zoo, but I did like everything that we got around to seeing. We saw a good number of animals, including a bongo. It was really funny to hear Connor say "bongo." He didn't seem to like the alligators, though, and he ran away from the lions. The kid has common sense...

There is also a wonderful train ride, and the kids were crazy about it.

Sidebar: I tried some new photo editing techniques on these pictures, because I didn't like the colors in the originals...I think that's because it was overcast, but still bright enough outside to need sunglasses...the type of sunshine that looks bad in pictures and gives me a headache. Anyways, I really like the way that this polar bear photo turned out.

And here we are at the end of the day, leaving the zoo at closing time. Notice how the pregnant lady (who is holding the camera) is lagging behind? We were only there for a few hours, but I guess I got tired!

1 comment:

Sandy Keuper said...

Awwwww Connor looks just like daddy!! :)