On Friday night, we went to Club 33 and I was so happy to see that so many people showed up.
Saturday afternoon, we had some people over to our house for lunch.
Saturday evening, we went to Due Amici, and I think that event was really good, too. The food was definitely delicious, but I have always loved their food. (The restaurant is just across the street from where I worked.)
I'm glad that we had events on both Friday and Saturday nights, because some people (like us) made it both nights, but others only made it for one or the other. Since we went both days, we got to see everyone.
My graduating class was very small, somewhere between 135 and 140, according to my yearbook. In light of that, I think that the total number of people who showed up was a really high percentage, but I'm not going to count and do the math! I'm sure that someone else should, though.
Also, I was enjoying just socializing, so I never took any pictures. Fortunately, most of the reunion planning was done on Facebook, and other people have already posted tons of pictures from the weekend for me to see.
And steal. Like this one from Friday night of Kate, myself and Tiffany:

This year would be Kevin's 10 year reunion, as well, but there doesn't seem to be anything going on for it. I think he should start trying to get his classmates to plan something for December...but that probably won't happen.
Now, I have a question for the peanut gallery. After 10 years, when is the next high school reunion typically held? 15 years? 20? I honestly have no idea...
I hope there is a 15, so I can come. I would think that since there was such a good turn out, it would be nice to do one in 2014.
Looks like a wonderful time---my 10 year had a great turn out as well--I had the most fun at the Friday night ice-breaker---but thought Saturday was not much fun---although many people were there the way it was set up wasn't conducive to socializing (sit down, not so good dinner at the local college union, followed by a slide show--no music, no alcohol--just kind of drab)--and I was there stag (though received a couple of calls after the reunion:) but happily met J. 3 weeks later:)
We did not have a 15 year reunion. My 20 year reunion was (ahem) 2 years ago. I didn't make it down for the Friday Night icebreaker (which I should have gone to that instead)--out of town now--J. was sick with pneumonia, so I went stag yet again:)--for the Saturday thing--and it was a HUGE let down--out of a class of 465, about 50 people were at the Saturday dinner--found a couple of friends, I didn't know completely well, but wound up really enjoying their company as they now have 6 kids and are homeschooling--had to sneak out the door to get away from one of the annoying guys who wouldn't leave me alone--kind of depressing. The poor guy who set the thing up (our class prez) lives in CA, so tried to do this by himself (without the help of a women who generally are better party planners)--and he didn't really get the word out for the reunion--I had to search hard to find it.
Anyway, my 10 year was a blast, 20, not so much.
So glad you were able to go--and had such a great time!
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