Sunday, September 20, 2009

More Baby Blankets!

My Grandmother also made a *few* blankets for Lex.

(She made two blankets for Connor when I was pregnant with him.)

This time, she made FIVE blankets for Lex!!

I finally noticed that all of her blankets use basically the same pattern, so I asked her if she could teach it to me. She sent me the instructions for her favorite pattern, which is called "Little Boy Blue."

The next time I make a baby blanket to give as a gift, I think I might try this pattern out.


Pam said...

I don't crochet or knit. But, I did order you a "Welcome Baby Lex Gift" and it's supposed to be shipped right to you from the place that I ordered it. So if you receive a package from a place that you don't recognize, don't let Kevin soak it in water or report it to the authorities. Just open it, it's from me!

Julie said...

Awww...thanks! I'll keep an eye out for it!

Sara said...

I really like the white and blue blankets you have on the crib.