I found a new website that I love. It's Tennis Maps, and according to it, there are 279 tennis locations in our lovely city.
We have been watching the US Open on TV lately, and Connor wanted to try his own hand at tennis. He needs a lighter, smaller racket, because he can't use any of ours with only one hand. We've been playing in the backyard, and even though we aren't *really* playing, I've been enjoying it very much. I guess I forgot how much I like to play tennis, since I haven't played since the summer before Connor was born.
I've been having braxton hicks contractions for quite a while now...and they knock the wind out of me for about a minute or so. But, they are painless, and they don't signify much other than the fact that I will be having a baby *sometime* in the future. Last night, however, I started having contractions that involved some back pain. They did eventually go away, but I didn't get much sleep last night. Kevin was kind enough to let me sleep in this morning to make up for it.
This, coupled with the doctor moving my due date up a week, has made me realize that there are some things that need to happen around here, and soon!
Things to Do:
1. Kevin needs to finish installing the whole house humidifier. I'm tired of being without AC or heat while he works on it. (He started it last weekend, and then he had to stop because he needed another tool, and the stores were already closed. He hasn't had a chance to get back to it yet all week.)
2. Kevin needs to finish fixing the leak in our master shower. I'm tired of using Connor's bathroom, and I miss ours. I think he's done with everything, except cleaning up and re-caulking.
3. We need to get Lex's room together. Mainly, this means that Kevin needs to move all of his exercise equipment back into the basement. We've decided that the basement shall be his "Man Cave," and it shall remain a kids-free zone. He can set up all of his (many) computers, hamm radio equipment and exercise stuff down there. Then, I can put my baby in the nursery.
4. We need to buy the few things for Lex that I want to have here when we get back from the hospital. Namely, diapers and a new Boppy. We tried to get Connor to sleep without his Boppy one night last week (we had left it in the car after a trip to Nana's house), but he refused to sleep without it and I had to go out and get it. It isn't just a Boppy pillow to him. It's more like a stuffed animal or a security blanket. I cannot justify taking it away from him to give to Lex. I want him to actually like Lex, for goodness sake!
I'm sure that there is more, and I know that I've written it all down on a honey-do list for Kevin...
Connor has been saying the cutest things lately! Here are some of my favorites:
1. He refers to the belts that we wear with our pants as "seat belts."
2. He still says "another one" instead of just "another" or "the other." We still have Bunny and Another One Bunny as good friends.
3. When looking for something, he often *needs* to get out a flashlight. Also, he asks, "Where it be?"
4. He keeps telling me that Baby Lex is in the car, and that we will bring him home soon.
5. In the car the other day, he said, "Slow down, Mommy. Nonnor want ice cream." (He still refers to himself as Nonnor.)
6. Every time we are driving in the car, he wants to know "where combines be." I tell him that all the farmers have their combines in their barns, and that they won't get them out until it is time to harvest the corn crops. He asks this no matter where we are, even if we aren't by the corn fields near our house.
7. He also keeps asking "What trees doing, Mommy?" To this I reply that they are growing, and that soon the weather will get colder and the leaves will change colors, and then the leaves will fall off the trees onto the ground. He simply cannot wait to rake them all up!
Here is a random picture of Connor playing with Nana's bracelets, taken when he was 10 months old.
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