Thursday, October 8, 2009

I was sure last night was going to be the night

It's been happening for weeks now.

As soon as the sun goes down, I go into labor. Usually, it just suddenly stops around 11:30 pm or midnight.

But, last night was different. We went to bed at 12:30 am, even though I was having some serious contractions. The kind that wrap all the way around from the spine to the pelvis, and it felt like I had a hot poker in my back. I ended up getting back up again and staying up until around 3:00 am. I was starting to feel like Lex would arrive later that day, at exactly 40 weeks, just like Connor. Then, I decided to try to lay down again, and I actually fell asleep. I was really surprised when the alarm woke me at 6:00 am, and I wasn't in labor. I don't remember falling asleep at all!

Tonight is starting out the same way. One of these nights he *has* to be born. REALLY.

Although, I'm starting to have trouble conceptualizing it. Maybe that's the problem. This on again and off again labor has become so routine that I keep expecting it to stop, so maybe I'm making it stop just by my own willpower or something.


Sara said...

Hopefully he'll decide to grace us with his presence soon or at least give you one night of sleep.

Our Blessed Journey said...

did you actually tell him you're ready? I had a friend who was 38 weeks this past July and literally said, "God, I'm ready when you are" and by golly little Gracie made her appearance that night:)