Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Whose idea was that anyways?

Oh yeah, it was mine.

I must have been crazy.

I decided to go to Hobby Lobby this afternoon to buy mat board for a project (or three). I took Lex and Connor with me.

It was *very* close to nap time.

The shopping carts at Hobby Lobby are too small for Lex's car seat carrier, too small for a two year old, and too small for any one of the four very large items I had to carry from the back of the store to the front.

The trip could have gone better, and I could have planned it a little better...but I purchased the things I needed, and no one got hurt. No one really even cried. It was just chaotic, but we survived.

I blame Hobby Lobby for having teeny carts. And putting the things I want all the way at the back of the store. And having out Christmas trees that Connor wanted to look at, touch, climb, etc. I mean, who wouldn't want to climb a pretty tree that's got branches within reach that are all lit up?

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey said...

been there done that--feel for ya! I used to take mine grocery shopping with a baby and a toddler to the small organic grocery store with tiny carts (not as small as Hobby Lobby or Michaels--but still small). Did you invest in a double stroller?