But, even though our weekend was only two days long, it was plenty of fun!
We had a nice playdate with Ethan and Noah on Friday night. It was funny, Connor didn't seem to want to play with the babies at first. I guess it kind of makes sense, as Ethan and Noah are technically closer in age to Lex...but he eventually came around. We brought out all the Little People.
We ordered Domino's pizza. We used the online pizza tracker again. Love that service.
Saturday we went to the Central Ohio Golf Show. Kevin bought me a new pair of Adidas golf shoes. He was making good on a bet that he lost two summers ago when I beat him at a round of golf up in Michigan. I think I was the one keeping score, if that matters.
We ate dinner at the Ohio Deli. It was featured on an episode of Man v. Food because of their Dagwood sandwich. Kevin and my Dad split a Dagwood, and I don't think either finished their half. I got a hot Italian sub. It was yummy, but it was so greasy that the bottom crust of bread was squishy. Yuck.
Sunday, we went to Easton. That means that in a seven day period, I went shopping at four malls in Columbus: Tuttle on Monday, Polaris on Wednesday, Eastland on Thursday and Easton on Sunday. Oddly enough, things are not the same price at the same store at each mall. Polaris is the most expensive. Easton and Tuttle have the best selection and best nursing facilities. You can thank me for all my research by sending donations to make up for all the money I spent on my spree. (Not really. I didn't buy much.)
I did buy new plates for us. We donated all our old, mis-matched china to my little brother. He's in college.
Also while at Easton, we had some time to kill while Kevin was chatting up the Golf Tec guy about lessons, so I decided to take Connor to Color Your World, a paint your own pottery kind of place. He did a lovely job painting a little mug. We can go back to pick it up next weekend. (Watch for photos then.) I toyed with the idea of going to Build-a-Bear instead, but Connor had actually asked me to paint earlier in the day, and he hadn't gotten a chance to yet. I still want to take him to Build-a-Bear sometime soon. I have been waiting for him to be old enough to actually enjoy the experience since I was first pregnant with him.
I am planning on ordering curtains for the dining room as soon as Kevin gives me the go-ahead. I've finally decided what I want in there. I just gotta run it past him before I order them. How can he not love them, though? I've been thinking about what to do in that room since we bought the house - it was not easy to come up with the perfect thing. Which I now have.
sounds like a fun-filled weekend!!
Sandwiches so greasy that their bottom bread gets squishy is one of the reasons I have to move back to Ohio someday.
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