Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Burger King

It took so long to dig out and drive to store that by the time we got there we had to stop for lunch.

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Sandy Keuper said...

OHHhhhhhh MMMyyyyyyyy .... is THAT a SPONGEBOB hat????!!!
Were they out of Burger King Crowns or something??? Or did someone stick a gun to your head???? LOL
Next time you go to Burger King, you are supposed to take me with you !!!! :)

Julie said...

Yes, it is a Sponge Bob crown, only Connor doesn't know it. He just says it is his "King Hat."

They were sitting on every table. It was more or less like a gun to my head...how could I say no to his request for a "King Hat?"

P.S. We still hate Sponge Bob.

P.S. #2 Connor ate his first burger today. Next time we order a plain burger with ketchup only. I'm not scraping cheese off his meat again!

Our Blessed Journey said...

I saw the "bob" hate right away too--my girls would be jealous:)

All Hail King Connor!

Meg said...

I'm on the anti-Sponge Bob train, too.