Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hair Product Induced Nostalgia and Guilt

My Mother-in-Law gave me a sample of Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment to try out, because she loves it so much.

Already my hair is shinier, and I feel guiltier.

You see, this hair cream smells just like my Grandmother's bathroom when I was little. It smells like stale cigarette smoke enhanced by shower steam, cocoa butter and V05 shampoo.

So I've been thinking about my Grandma and how I haven't been to see her since last summer when I was pregnant, and how she and Pap Pap have never seen Lex yet.

Well, at least when we finally make the trip, my hair will look great!


Our Blessed Journey said...

Olfactory is a strong memory trigger:D I'm not a big fan of the scent of the Ojon either---but I'm glad you like it--now go see your grandparents!

Pam said...

I have to smell this stuff!