Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Served Edamame; Hilarity Ensues

After visiting Aunt Kathy, and hearing her extol the virtues of edamame, I decided to serve some with dinner tonight.

I showed Connor how to get the soy beans out by squeezing the bean pod.

He shoots a few onto the floor. He finally gets one onto his plate, and is super excited. He believes that it is a green peanut M&M. He puts it in his mouth, and quickly discovers that it is not, in fact, a peanut M&M. He refuses to bite into it. It ends up on the floor with the others.

Even though he won't eat them, I let him continue to squeeze the beans out of the pods. It's good for developing his fine motor skills or something. Maybe it was just keeping him occupied so that I could eat my dinner in a small degree of peace. You know, with one hand and a baby on my lap who kept reaching for my plate.

Connor starts narrating his efforts:

"I'm going to squeeze the bean. This is going to be really funny. I don't know what is going to happen. Here comes the bean. It's going to pop up!"

P.S. Since he is on an all-meat-all-the-time kick, I hid some red quinoa in our taco meat tonight. He's none the wiser, and hopefully got a bit of fiber in his diet. Or whatever quinoa is good for.

1 comment:

Meg said...

We do love the edamames in our house(s)!