Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lex Took His First Car Rides in the Big Boy Seats Tonight

I realized on Friday that Lex was getting too big for his infant carrier car seat. This was because I had loosened the straps as much as possible, and was still having trouble buckling him in. So, I checked the weight limit, and found that it was only 22 lbs. I know that he is over 20, so I decided that it was time to get him into something new.

I'm not ready for this.

He isn't old enough for this.

For the record, we used the infant carrier for Connor until after he was a year old!

Lex isn't old enough to sit in a high chair in a restaurant or in a shopping cart in a store. Without his infant carrier, where are we going to sit him when we shop or eat out? He's getting better at sitting unassisted, but he isn't ready yet. I guess we shall just have to do it the old fashioned way and hold him. Gasp!

Anyways. I already posted a picture of Lex in his new Britax in the Buick. It's the same car seat we have for Connor in that car, with the new feature that the harness makes an audible "click" once it has been pulled tight enough.

We also bought him a new Graco My Ride 65 for my SUV. I really like it. Even though it is a larger seat, he isn't swimming in it, and looks really protected. It is such a big seat, though, that I cannot sit the two car seats next to one another, and I can't fit in the middle seat between them anymore. We've effectively lost a seat in the back of the SUV.

Yet another reason for me to buy that Toyota Sequoia Platinum that I've got my eye on. Maybe I can have it custom outfitted to be electric or an electric hybrid?


Meg said...

You can always use the carrier solely to tote him around or for restaurants. It wouldn't be safe in the car, but for non-car purposes it would be fine.

Sara said...

This sounds like us only 6 months ago times 2 babies. Even though they could sort of sit up they really weren't able to sit for long in those restaurant high chairs before they got fussy. We found if we stuffed their coats behind them in those restaurant high chairs that helped them sit up maybe you could bring a blanket (since its almost not winter anymore) that would be smaller than toteing the infant carrier.

My inlaws had the same problem with their son. But they found a brand of infant car seats that went up to 35lbs.