Vital Statistics:
Weight: 20 lbs (yes, this is a small decrease from last month, I blame the teething)
Height: 27.5 inches
Teeth: He has two new teeth! His first two front teeth, both on the bottom, made their appearance on Saturday, just a few days before the six month mark.
Other Notes: He loves toys. He is always looking for a toy to reach out and grab and inspect and rattle and put in his mouth. He puts everything in his mouth. He wants to eat food. And not baby mush, either. He reached out and grabbed my pretzel rod yesterday (right out of my mouth, by the way) and stuck it in his own mouth. He was super happy. Until I took it back, and then he cried a very pathetic cry, complete with crocodile tears. He also loves the walker, and can make it go both forwards and backwards. He now has little patience for lying down (on either his back or his belly). He wants to be sitting up in a chair or in his walker so that he can see more and grab more things.
Anyways, to celebrate, we went to see the Harlem Globetrotters on Tuesday evening.
I dressed the boys in some cute, coordinating jerseys that they happened to have in their closet. I didn't realize until we were at the game, though, that I had basically dressed Connor in Harlem Globetrotters colors, and Lex in Washington Generals colors. Sorry about that, Lex!
Evan Turner of the Ohio State Buckeyes did the tip-off and sat on the Globetrotters bench during the game, and he was almost of more interest to the fans than the Globetrotters were. That's Columbus for you.
I can't get their theme song out of my head now:o
You guys are the cutest family! I really don't want your kids to grow up, especially Lex.
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