But honestly, you should get over it. Because it really isn't a big deal.
When I was at the zoo with my cousin and her children, at the very end of the day when I was very tired, a stranger made a comment about me within my hearing, and I ignored it.
I'm not so sure that I should have ignored it, but at the time, I didn't want to make a scene in front of the 6 kids and I was tired, so I couldn't think of a non-scene witty remark to make.
But, a man pointed me out to his family as follows:
"See that lady over there with the sling? She was breastfeeding that baby in the restaurant at lunch, and everything was totally there. She didn't even cover it up, and I was trying to eat!"
Ugh. I nurse in public all the time, and I don't typically cover Lex up with a blanket, because if I do, he won't eat. It just doesn't work for him. But I don't really consider it to be a big deal, because I dress carefully in specially designed nursing wear that covers me up.
Yes, this is a picture of me nursing Lex. In public, even. We were at a park. He is covered up with a blanket, but only because it was cold. He won't let me put it over his head while he eats.
I'm sure I see more boob than that EVERYWHERE else.
And why shouldn't I nurse him in a restaurant? Everyone else there is eating, and he needs to eat, too.
(And by the way, I love my nursing tanks and camis.)
holy moly---good thing he didn't see me in one of my deep-cut v-neck tops :D--your top is VERY modest---people like that don't realize they are setting POOR examples for their children when they talk about other people and "judge" them!
If your not hurting anyone whats the big deal?
I applaud you for being brave (if that's the right word) for doing it. I never figured out how to do it descretly enough to do it in public.
Thanks for the support.
Sara, you've seen me nurse Lex in public. I am discreet enough, right?
Even as a non-mother, I get SO MAD when people judge mothers for nursing in public.
1) Most of us were nursed ourselves.
2) Most of us love boobs.
3) What's the difference between your son breastfeeding and some guy shoveling food into his mouth at a restaurant?
I think anyone who's judgemental about it is just not used to seeing it, and the only way to change that is to keep showing it to them.
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