While in the car on the way to New York City, I e-mailed a friend who just happens to be one of New York's premier transportation experts about how we were going to navigate the city with the boys.
Sidebar: The Verizon Wireless mobile hotspot that Kevin bought me as a gift for the trip was awesome. It really helped us find our way and plan what we wanted to do. Plus, I could browse the internet while in the car for hours. Ever been on a long trip and gotten into a discussion where looking up info online would enhance the conversation? That happens to us all the time. Problem. Solved.
Anyways, she gave us tips and info on taxis and the subway. But we never got around to taking the subway.
Instead, we mastered the art of getting our hotel doorman to hail us a taxi.
We preferred the SUV taxis, as there was ample trunk space for our stroller. Then, we all just hopped into the backseat. Connor got a regular seat belt, and it fit him surprisingly well. (I can't really remember, but I'm pretty sure that by the time that Kevin and I were 3 years old, we were using regular car seat belts anyways. Things were different back then, though.) Then, either Kevin or I held Lex in our laps. I have no idea if this is legal, but it worked out well enough for us for our few short cab rides around the city.
Plus, this way, we never had to figure out directions. We just told someone else where we wanted to go, and voila, we were on our way.
The boys seemed comfortable enough with these arrangements.
It's perfectly legal. In NYC, cab passengers aren't required to use carseats. However cabbies ARE required to allow you to install one. I believe the meter can run during installation time.
And now you know1
I'm looking forward to the post about the trip home :)
Okay, cutest kids ever. That's pretty much exactly how I look every night after dinner in the back of a cab with Kamran, too.
Thanks for the plug!
So, does did your doorman (or you) have the "hail cab whistle" downpat? :D
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