3rd Birthday Balloons!

John Deere Cake Made by Mommy
Chocolate with Buttercream and Marshmallow Fondant

really wanted cheese puffs, but Mommy made him eat Gerber Cinnamon Maple Corn Puffs instead. Poor baby.

Playing baseball with Papa Kirk and Great Grandpa

Little Cousin Acey in Her Pretty Party Dress

Grandma Ella couldn't avoid the camera this year!

Connor his in custom decorated John Deere Combine party hat

The Pinata

Or, as Connor says it, the "Nata."

John Deere Tractor!

Happy Birthday to you!

How old are you?
Also, notice the outfit change, post cake.

Getting ready for Aunt Kathy's cornhole tourney next weekend.

Peek. Ooooh!

It was a pedals bike! With a bell!

Happy 3rd Birthday from your family!
Where's the link for the album on shutterfly? You big tease!
I'm working on it. I thought that they would all be uploaded by now, but I think Connor shut my laptop earlier this afternoon, because only 30 pics have uploaded!
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