He is getting around really well. He's almost crawling, except sometimes he ends up going backwards instead of forwards, which really irritates him, and I can't say that I blame him.
He is standing up really well now, and he pulls himself up to a standing position whenever he gets a chance. Then he is really pleased with himself.
He runs around in his walker, and he can walk if he has something to hold onto, like my hands. Today he tried to walk around behind a little push tractor for the first time, but that proved to be a little bit tricky. I'm sure he'll master it in no time, though.
I can't keep his crocs on his little feet - he thinks that it is fun to take them off and chew on them. Yuck!
He is getting really tan this summer, and I love *love* LOVE that he has tan lines in all his little chubby creases. It's such a cute baby thing!
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