Connor has recently decided that he wants in on the action. Last weekend, he kept asking, "How do you say ______ in Spanish?"
I could answer most of his queries, but I eventually resorted to looking up unfamiliar words online.
He really seemed to enjoy learning this new vocabulary, and each question only led to five more, so I decided it was time for a trip to the library to see what we could find in the way of preschool Spanish materials.
And we did not come away empty handed.
I am super impressed with our local library's selection of materials! We found a bunch of our favorite books in either Spanish or in English and Spanish, and we found some other picture books in Spanish and a few preschool Spanish picture dictionaries. We also came away with some Spanish preschool music and a Plaza Sesamo (Sesame Street) DVD.
And there is so much more available to us! We are going to spend this year learning Spanish, and then depending on how it goes, we might embark on another language when Connor is 4 years old. I'm thinking maybe French will be next. (That's the only other language that I kinda know a little of. I'm *much much* more fluent in Spanish.)
And just in case you were wondering (because I was), our family currently has 100 books/magazines/picture books, 10 dvds and 6 audio books checked out from our local library.
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