Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Virtual Shopping Spree: Pottery Barn

The last stop on my imaginary $10,000 shopping spree is Pottery Barn.

And here is what I would buy:

Glass Drink Dispenser

The Tucker Buffet

I have been looking for a good buffet for our dining room for ages. This one looks very nice, and I think it would coordinate with our china hutch very nicely. Plus, I have all white dishes, so I know that they would look good in there. See the picture?

Total Spent: $1,058.o0

Total Remaining to Spend in Virtual Shopping Spree: $10.49, which is just enough to stop at Cinnabon on my way home. Yum!


Our Blessed Journey said...

love both Pottery Barn items--nice!

Sarah K said...

Waaaay over spending! I have an amazing glass bev server. It's beautiful and crazy functional and excellent in the quality dept. Wanna see it? I really do love it. It's not just a selling point :)