Early Morning at the Crew 5k

Lex wants to walk so badly

The Finish Line

38 minutes 13 seconds

This is a ruptured eardrum. We spent a few hours in the ER at Children's Hospital to make sure everything was okay and to get some ear drops. Connor can't go swimming or wash his hair until it heals - we'll see his doctor again in a week to check it out.

Playing soccer at Crew Stadium - a dream come true!

A buggy visitor to our front porch

Lex's impersonation of the leaf bug

I bought myself flowers because I couldn't resist them. Then I realized why - they are very similar to the pink roses I carried down the aisle.

Tailgating at Lex's 1st Crew Game

The Crew beat Colorado 3 to 1!
A ruptured ear drum? Oh no! I had one of those years ago and my mom had one last year. Soooo painful....but as an adult, you can understand what's going on. How did the little man handle it?
Other than the blood, he had no idea. He isn't in any pain! :)
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