Lex is 11 months old today.
Lex is 29.5 inches tall.
Lex is 23 pounds 6 ounces in weight.
Lex is cutting his eighth tooth.
Lex is totally able to sleep through the night, but kept waking up the past two nights because of the new tooth.
Lex is a biter.

Lex is cruising.
Lex is able to stand unsupported.
Lex is thisclose to being able to walk.

Lex is jealous of Connor's "big boy" toys.
Lex is a great eater.
Lex is a fan of unrolling all the toilet paper, shredding all the toilet paper, and eating the little bits of toilet paper. If he gets that far in the process before he gets caught.

Lex is a happy boy.
Lex is happy to climb up stairs, even though it usually gets him into trouble because he slips after the fifth or sixth step.

Lex is adorable.
Lex is going to be turning one in just a month!
Yes, Lex is adorable!
awwww, what a cutie!! (your post went through at 1:11--and he's going to be 1:D)
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