Turning 30 wasn't so bad.
I had a really great day.
We went to the store and bought Halloween candy. I got carded for a purchase of alcohol. The cashier noticed that it was my birthday and wished me well.
We went to Scramblers for brunch and I had their chicken crepes, which are one of my favorite things. The only thing better are the chicken crepes at Bon Vie.
We went to the mall, and Lex had his 12 month photo shoot.

I bought treats for myself.
I got my hair and makeup done, and I got a massage!
We had a fabulous beef tenderloin with veggies, and I all had to do was put it in the crock pot since I had made the meal the night before.
I got presents in the mail!
We went Trick or Treating and passed out candy, Play-Doh and stickers.
I ate too much candy. Mostly just Reece's Cups and Tootsie Rolls.
I got tons of random compliments on my spider web tights, which I wore all day long. My witch hat didn't make it into the photo, because it kept blowing off. I only wore that when passing out the candy.
I also had a magic wand, and Connor was seriously wary of that thing. Every time I got it out of my pocket, he dodged it like it was a loaded gun. He told me not to change him into anything, because he wanted to be a firefighter for trick or treating.
My son apparently believes that I can do magic. He also believes in the Easter Bunny. But not Santa Claus. That one is just too far fetched for him.
Our neighbor is a retired firefighter, so he let Connor borrow his old helmet.
The end.
I am Julie, and I am now 30 years old.
Of course your Birthday was wonderful ... it was all very symetrical ... 10-28-10 ... so it HAD to be wonderful! (tee hee) :D
By the way, the photos are Awesome!!!! :D
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