Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I bought Kevin a Fitbit tracker this summer, and he has finally gotten bored enough with it to let me give it a try.

I've been wearing it since Saturday, and I burn 3,000 - 3,500 calories a day. This makes me feel better about the time that we logged my food and I had eaten roughly 2,800 calories without batting an eye.

I haven't been logging my food these past days, because I was more interested in my activity and sleep patterns. That's why the screen image below says I ate 0 calories yesterday, because that surely isn't true!

Here is my sleep graph. You can clearly see where Kevin and Connor woke me up first by playing a game of musical beds after 3:00 am, and then I had to get out of bed to nurse Lex around 4:30.

The other thing this shows is that I shouldn't watch Vampire Diaries at 11:00 pm. It always keeps me up afterward.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yeah, I need to not have/use fitbit. The number that terrifies me the most? "Actual time sleeping" or whatever it's called. I know when I go to bed and when I get up...and how many times the littler one gets me up. I realllly don't want to know how long (or short) of a time I was actually asleep.

But what a fun toy!