Monday, November 8, 2010

I was *sure* I was stuck in the Twilight Zone!

On Sunday morning, Lex woke up at 1:03 AM. I went into his room and put him back to bed. Then I went back to bed.

Then, he woke up again. Again I checked the was 1:03 AM! But Lex was crying, so I really didn't have time to figure it out. Instead, I went into his room and put him back to bed. Then I went back to bed.

Then, he woke up again! Again I checked the was 5:30 AM...and I was relieved that I wasn't having some sort of Groundhog Day moment. I went and got him, and he was wide awake. He thought it was already 6:30 AM...time to get up...because of Daylight Savings.

1 comment:

Unapologetically Mundane said...

Ha, poor kid. I swear, though, this is one of those cases where children are like pets; how many times have I been woken up too early at my parents' house by the dog licking my face? You can't stick your kids in a cage and ignore them, though. Just in case you were confused.