So, I've been trying to teach him some jokes.
I've taught him two chicken jokes: Why did the chicken cross the road? (To get to the other side!) ...and... Why did the chicken cross the playground? (To get to the other slide!)
I've tried teaching him numerous knock-knock jokes, but the other day, he demonstrated that he doesn't quite get those ones yet.
We were sitting at the table, and this is what happened:
Connor: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
Connor: Points at himself.
Me: Laughter. Because it is kinda funny.
Connor: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
Connor: Points at Lex.
Me: Laughter. Because Connor cracks me up.
Connor: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
Connor: Points at me.
Me: Laughter. Because I am apparently having an existential moment.
Last night in the car, he had Daddy cracking up with these ones:
- How did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side?
- How did the chicken cross the playground to get to the other slide?
- How did the chicken climb up on the fire truck without his fire suit, helmet and boots?
- How did the chicken ride in the ambulance without his ambulance suit?
- How did the chicken ride on the dump truck without his hat-you-know-the-ones-they-wear-on-construction-sites?
Each time, Daddy would say, "I don't know, Connor, how?" But Connor would have no answer and just move on to the next joke. Because that one was already done, Daddy.
After that, Kevin realized that Connor wants to be funny, but that we have to help guide him a little bit. Therefore, I've now been put in charge of teaching Connor jokes. (Good, because I like to make it official that that's what I've been trying to do anyways.)
Please help me. Do you have any good jokes that I can teach Connor? If so, leave them for me in a comment below. Your help will make my child funnier!
P.S. These pictures don't really have anything to do with this post, except for the fact that I like them.
P.P.S. Matchy-matchy outfits from Carters.
Why did the tissue dance?
Give up?
Cause it had a little boogie in it!
Classy, huh?
Here goes ... something that Connor may be able to relate to due to his love for the Toy Story 3 movie:
Q. How do you get Mr. Potato Head to stop talking?
A. Take off his mouth!
Here's another (and yes, I got these from a book ... remember, I'm not that good at jokes)
Q. What is Buzz's favorite candy bar?
A. A Milky Way!
Hope this helps :D
What did the bear say when he ate the comic?
That tastes funny.
What do you feed a teddy bear?
Nothing. He's already stuffed.
Those are a few of M's faves....she has several...if I remember any more, I'll share :)
What's black and white and read all over: (punchline, insert Connor's favorite book)
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