We painted some wooden ornaments and decorative figures the other day.
Connor painted the red ornament and red penguins. Lex and I did the snowflakes together. I painted the reindeer and Santa (in an attempt to demonstrate for Lex that paint really is not just for licking off the brush).
Connor painted Santa and Lex did the Soldier Toy. I am so proud.
Ok ok OK! I'll let the girls paint the ornaments. I'll set aside my obsessive/compulsive perfectionist and let THEM paint. It will drive me crazy...but everyone else with think it's fantastic and cute......Fine.
Ok ok OK! I'll let the girls paint the ornaments. I'll set aside my obsessive/compulsive perfectionist and let THEM paint. It will drive me crazy...but everyone else with think it's fantastic and cute......Fine.
Way to go Sarah! Your girls will do great! :)
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