Monday, February 14, 2011

PSA: My Toddler Ate Gum

What Happens when a 16-Month Old Eats Half a Pack of Mentos Gum?

Yesterday we had a little Valentine's Day party for the kids at the house. A purse was left on the floor for a moment, and two little tykes got into it and found a pack of Mentos gum. My always-hungry, always-looking-for-something-tasty-to-put-in-his-mouth, always-wants-more-to-eat 16-month old son ate about half the pack. You know, the child otherwise known as Lex.

Did you know that I have to lock the pantry door between mealtimes and snack times so that there is a between time?

But I digress.

I looked it up, and found that as long as Lex kept going to the bathroom with his regular frequency, he would be fine. The only potential complication (after the choking hazard normally associated with gum) could be an intestinal blockage if he really ate too much.

So, what happened? He had a *very* minty diaper. It was the best smelling and worst smelling diaper ever, all at the same time. And now he has a little rash on his bottom, but it's nothing that a little Balmex can't handle, I'm sure.

Now you know what happens when you eat gum. It doesn't really get stuck in your stomach for 7 years.

***For the record: I take full responsibility for this incident, as I was standing not three feet away from my child when it happened, and I wasn't paying any attention to him at all.***


Wendy Hill said...

Thank goodness for that, and I will be sure to leave the gum in the car on the next visit.

Julie said...

LOL! And I'll be sure to keep an eye on my kid, right?

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Whew - thank goodness there's no real horrible consequence to massive gum eating.