Saturday, April 2, 2011

Adventure Science Center

After our morning in the Urgent Care in Nashville, I decided to take the boys to the Adventure Science Center. I figured that Connor could ride around in the stroller and we could take in a planetarium show.

When we got our tickets (free admission with reciprocal membership benefits from COSI!), we had about two hours to kill before our planetarium show. We quickly found out that most of the exhibits were geared to much older kids, and we saw everything that there was to see during those two hours, including two diaper changes and a snack break.

Notice that Connor is still not putting any weight on his right foot

Connor's favorite exhibits were in the "Space Chase" room, but that room also contained some sort of air powered rocket exhibit, and every time some kid pushed that button and that thing went off, Lex became hysterical. You win some, you lose some.

There was a small preschool area, but it was about the size of my living room, and I'm certain that I have a better variety of educational and fun toys in my living room. Not impressive at all.

Who needs a double stroller?

The coolest, most original thing about Adventure Science Center is the "Adventure Tower" in the middle. It's basically a giant climbing playground with little science exhibits all over it that climbs from the first floor through a hole in the roof three floors up to an observation deck on the roof of the building. However, it was also designed for much older children, and I had quite a time helping Lex (who was much too small for most of the climbing) and Connor (who still couldn't walk) all the way to the top (while wearing a dress). But, once we got to the top, we had a great view of Nashville, and we were able to spot our hotel!

See how the flooring is made of playground style grating? The whole tower was built out of that stuff, and not only did I feel like people were looking up my skirt the whole time, but my heels kept getting stuck in those tiny little holes. Be warned - wear jeans and sneakers to the Adventure Science Center!

Finally it was time for our planetarium show. We saw Dawn of the Space Age, and it was fabulous! There were rockets and space shuttles aplenty, and several count-downs and blast-offs. Because of the nature of the dome theater, we felt like we were zooming through space several times...Lex would throw his hands up in the air and shout, "Weee!" Connor asked me several times if we were in a rocket. It was awesome! Connor is still talking about it now, almost two weeks later.

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