We saw the movie Hop a few weeks before Easter, and Connor now thinks that the Easter Bunny is named Hop, and that he drives around an egg-shaped sleigh pulled by little baby chicks. So why not have EB come down the chimney?
Sidebar: Hop was a totally cute movie that made both Nana and Connor laugh out loud many times. However, Lex was totally distressed by the frequent manhandling of EB for the sake of comedy. For instance, when the main character tossed EB into a trash can to keep him hidden, Lex cried. He didn't want EB to get thrown out apparently.
Back to Easter morning...
Our Easter baskets had a bit of an outer space theme, given our upcoming trip to go see the Space Shuttle launch down in Florida. Notice the monkey astronaut gift wrap?
In addition to the outer space felt board, I stuffed a dozen eggs with little astronaut and shuttle toys. One was a Saturn V rocket (Connor's favorite) and another was a tiny little space shuttle (Lex's favorite).
This is one of those cards that plays music when you open it. It plays Rockin' Robin. I love it. It makes me smile every time I hear it. Lex loves it, too.
Other eggs were stuffed with dollar bills, so that Connor would have spending money for the gift shops on our vacation. (By the way, he used his money to buy a little space shuttle toy at the Kennedy Space Center that his tiny little astronauts fit into.)
I also found large plastic jacks to fill the eggs with. About two weeks ago, Connor informed me, very much out of the blue, that he wanted a set of jacks. I didn't think I would buy them for him, because I was imagining little tiny metal jacks that Lex would eat and I would step on. But, when I went to buy the felt board, I stumbled across a set of preschool jacks. Score!
Lex is hugging Thumper bunny.
Connor is playing jacks.
(Notice the blue jack on the floor and the pink ball that is about to hit Lex?)

Also in the baskets were two more lemurs. About two weeks ago, we were in Giant Eagle when we came across a display of Johnny Lemurs in the frozen food section. The frozen food section, for crying out loud! It was a rare trip when we had left John at home, so Lex insisted on staring each and every stinking lemur right in the eye to make sure that none of them were his John. While he was conducting this investigation, Connor picked out a ring tail lemur and a bush baby. I told him that he could have them, but that they would be part of their Easter baskets. He agreed, so we brought them home. Connor and Lex played with the new friends for a few days, and named them Hopper (the bush baby, which looks a lot like a bunny) and Ringo (the Ring tailed lemur). Then, I stole them away while they were sleeping one night, and put them in their Easter baskets.
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